Letter to Martin Zapater written between March 7 and 14, 1792

1792. Pen, Ferrobolic ink on verjured paper, 210 x 151 mm. Un exposed Letter from Francisco de Goya to Martín Zapater (1746-1803), his childhood friend in Zaragoza, with regret that he could not have full time to dedicate it to Zapater during his impending stay in...

Letter to Martin Zapater of mid-June 1794

1794. Pen, Brown ink on verjured paper, 225 x 193 mm. Un exposed Letter from Francisco de Goya to Martín Zapater (1746-1803), his childhood friend in Zaragoza, with instructions for the placement and position of the canopy in Zapater's new bed. In 2004 a set of...